Saturday, February 11, 2012


This week was National School Counseling Week. To show the staff, in a small way, how much I appreciate THEM, I passed out some goodies throughout the week. The first treat was a note to let them know they play a huge part in students' success. This is what the notes said: "Teachers, Administrators, and School Counselors work together for student success! In celebration of National School Counseling Week 2012, I would like to thank you for being one of the “3 Musketeers"!" I chose a cute font and placed the phrase on a larger, more colorful note card with a bite sized 3 Musketeer. Wednesday I gave everyone a certificate of appreciation. I just printed them out on regular computer paper. I hand printed our school name and the person'as name in a school style print. I rolled each certificate up and tied them with cute ribbon. The last and final day, Friday, I gave everyone a bag of orange slices with a label on top.
I included an extra note on the back about how they help make my job better and how much I appreciate them. For the past two weeks I've been dealing almost non-stop with student issues. I've been meeting with individual students almost continually and making lots of phone calls to parents inbetween. For the last two weeks I have also been battling a cold. Just when I thought, after 1 1/2 weeks, I was on the upswing and over it, I was knocked flat on my back again for yet another weekend. I finally succumbed and took a day off to rest and try to recover once and for all. I have not been able to focus on important administrative things (CRTs for 5th and 8th great less than two weeks away) due to all the student issues. I have also been going to many meetings with admin. team to learn as much as possible about common core. I see some late/long days in my near future or a couple of Saturdays! Next week I have an ongoing issue to address in a different way and hopefully finally wrap up with the help of admin. There will be a weekly admin. meeting at some point that I'll be a part of and the regular individual meetings for students. It will also be Random Acts of Kindness week. I have three versions of the book "How Full Is Your Bucket" to accomodate various grade levels. I will be reading these during the elementary story/library time instead of books on a variety of topics. I also have small buckets and colorful pompom puffs to use as a visual. I'm still working on coming up with some RAK I can do for others.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you created a great awareness of our role as a support person - great job!

    I blogged about Kindness last week - you can get there here:

    Kindness Is A Super Power!

    Have a SUPER rest of the week and enJOY sprinkling kindness around.

