Monday, April 20, 2015


Wow, I can't believe where we are in the school year! We are in our 2nd week of end of year achievement testing. Everything I do for the elementary (through 5th grade) is behind the scenes. I order, affix labels, inventory, separate documents and compile boxes with tests, security sheets, class roll, pencils and scratch paper; I take it all back in and send it off when everything is finished. The teachers do all the testing unless there is an absence and the student needs a test made up at a time when others are unavailable. The elementary prepares the schedule. For the middle school and high school it's a little different. I do all the same as above, plus I make the schedule and help administrate everything. EV-ER-Y-THING! From the first week in April through the 2nd week in May, I am in a computer lab, morning to lunch then after lunch to end of the day, administering tests. Ugh. I don't get to go to classrooms for elementary lessons or do much of anything else. We don't test on Mondays. That helps since I still have administrative duties and senior scholarships, transcripts, ACT reports, etc. to do. On one hand, testing seasons makes for some pretty mundane days. After all, the testing script has to be read to every group of testers. I should have it memorized by now. After the script is read and students begin, of course, everyone knows, you watch the kids. While I don't recommend playing on phones or doing some handy work (such as crocheting or knitting), watching a movie on a tablet or anything similar, I do find it ok to read. I get so much reading done. Sometimes I research vacation and have it all planned by the time the season is finished, then we're ready to book about the time school is out. We don't take vacation until late July, but it's all taken care of by the end of May when I do this. Sometimes I just catch up on things I've wanted to read for a while. That is the case this year. I have getting so much Bible time, reading much more than my usual 3-4 chapters at each setting. I've also been reading "How to Hug a Porcupine".
I've been wanting to read this book for a while and wished I'd known about it when my own daughter was that middle school/pre-teen age. I've just gotten in to it and already have found it so good. I highly recommend it. I have other books that I plan on reading later, in the pool, during the summer. I thought about next week how we will be turning the calendar from April to May and how much I enjoy that one calendar turn. However, I realized I enjoy the turn from May to June oh so much more since I officially start summer break at the end of the day on May 29th.